Eden--whatever moment you look--day or night, you can watch moons rising . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
Approaching, the comet races toward its companion star; what was dark glows brightly as it dances around the sun . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
The energy spirals out; the energy spirals in; there is no end. There is only movement and trust in movement . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream, Northshore U.U. Church, & Buffalo Trails Gallery.
The land where the black jaguars reside . . .
Book cover of novel The Jaguars of Lutona by B.A.Klemettia.
Staring up at the night sky, I can see in the dark expanses of space nebulous clouds taking shape, chains of stars, moving and circling together . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
Streaks of violet, with rich diamonds into diamonds set: a star-patterned night, a diamond galaxy . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream & Northshore U.U. Church.
These moons form a cross (4 of them, like the 4 directions) with a grounded moon below. I am drawn to this grouping--a piece of my earthliness is attached to a simple cross of motions . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream & Northshore U.U. Church.
People who watch the sky--for science, for prophecy, for beauty--seem particularly attracted to those moments when major forces in the night sky line up dramatically . . .
The inifinity of space laced with translucent universes that twist and fold, that nurture stars, that pour stars and their infinitesimal planets into space . . .
Purple hills grow sharp and slide into the translucent sea. The water mirrors the sand, bright turquoise in color. The rising sun brightens the water's surface, but the sky remains contemplatively dark . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
Peaks of mountains emerge from deep below the surface. This large bright sun is temporarily eclipsed, with visible rays of its potential surrounding an eclipse. This is a still, deep moment to reach into your being--soon, the sun will illuminate the panorama with clean, white light . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
Water meets land at the shore. The colored sands are layers that must be passed in rising from unconscious deep waters to reach the purple shore. Myriad stars are visible in the clear night sky . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
This small sun revolves in continual eclipse; the moon prevents the small sun's full brightness from ever reaching the surface. But this does not make The Planet dark--there are other suns . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
Whatever part of life we live--birth, youth, age--is a symbol. We experience the portion now, but the whole is implied, wonderfully and fearfully inevitable. The sun is about to emerge to bring the planet toward fullness. This is the promise . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
The promise is beginning to be fulfilled; the sun rises to illuminate the planet and outshine the stars . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
From the sun high in the sky, light radiates in all directions, warming Kartam's surface and traveling into space. The sun is not quite at its zenith, hence Potency, for once the zenith is reached, the direction of motion has already changed . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
The beginnings of life, of all things living . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
In this land, the pyramids are blue and the water is turquoise; five perfect moons adorn the sky . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream.
This is a land of turquoise pyramids and blue water, with the burst of a galaxy in the night sky . . .
Who is to say what the path of life looks like? What is mechanical and what is organic? Where planets or moons form? How they appear in the whole? . . .
Sold to private buyer.
Imagine the power of these energies, one yellow hot and one blue cool, spinning into a vortx, hurling forth the universe . . .