What exactly are natural laws? Do they apply to all extremities of the universe? Aren't we always sort of falling up to our goals, our wishes, our wholeness? . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
Sold to private buyer.
Solid, linked rocks that seem balanced on nothing. What holds them up? Perhaps their dancing movement? . . .
A mystery mineral that appears once to me and vanishes--clearly not of this earth . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream.
The bridge is formed from ice, cracked into shards, frozen together; can you cross? . . .
This planet is energized with high black peaks and an orange sky. One golden sun, partially obscured, is the clue to passage through the formidable mountains . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream.
Every artist (well, not every) is expected (well, not expected; maybe encouraged or influenced by people's wishes or other artists' attempts) to paint a self portrait. Here's mine . . .
A person can't be serious all the time: so here is something I love, nature, and something else I love, cats, and a hopefully funny "juxtapositioning" of the two, like a "find-the-cats-hidden-in-the-picture" game . . .