A vast expanse of glowing sand stretching to a distant cool horizon; a simple understanding . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream & Northshore U.U. Church.
The explosive fire from within that destroys and creates . . .
On display at Geosciences Dept, Denison University.
Rocks just visible beneath the aquamarine sea; you cannot tell how deep the water is; you cannot tell what plants or animals are there--you just see the rocks and the water and the beauty . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
A few stars on a deepened sky, a crevice in the ice looks innocent enough but hides the danger of isolated darkness . . .
Exhibited at Buffalo Trails Gallery.
A frozen night of clouds: deep purple, resonant blue, pure black, stormy yet serene; all the light is held inside for the moment; all that is outside is dark . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
The intense energy and color of the Northern Lights . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
Sold to private buyer.
A lighted path over the water, wide enough to beckon everyone to follow . . .
The mountains below and the sky above have already welcomed the darkness. Along the horizon, the last light of the sun is visible, a brightness that will soon be enveloped by night . . .
A love affair between the sun and the water: not the sword-light of the sun cutting across the waters, but soft rays dancing with her, shimmering, accompanied by the wind . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
Sold to private buyer.
This is the ocean of a dream, of another place and time, of another level of being. This is my most Piscean work, reflecting my love of the sea, my fascination with water and stars, and my sense of other worlds--inner and outer worlds of indescribable power and beauty . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
When you look at the ocean, look closely. What seems like just water moving back and forth in waves also hides currents that cross and change shape, that mingle and change color . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
The landforms look desertlike, but the vegetation is deep green--as if the desert land has taken on the rainforest--and the distant peaks and buttes are not dry brown but deep, verdant blue . . .
The surface of a wave on the ocean looks like one form; but perhaps if you could look from within the water, you might see wave set upon wave as they rise and break . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
I love the way the sun shines through the spray of water on a fully flowered garden, the way the spray breaks into rainbowed droplets to nourish the plants . . .
"Nature's first green is gold . . ." (Robert Frost). This scene represents my favorite forest of softly colored spring trees, each with its own sparkling shade of goldenness . . .
Sometimes, a sunrise seems to paint the entire landscape with light and color, like an image from a fairy tale . . .