The Exchange V.III -
Group C, 40" x 30"
The energy linking the sky with the ocean, linking divine with human . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream & Northshore U.U. Church.
V.I sold to Brown Publishing Network. V.II sold to private buyer.
The Crystal Level -
Group D, 36" x 48" (framed)
Shamans, poets, writers, and mystics talk about underworlds and overworlds. This is the crystal level of iced skies and multi-faceted mountains that fuse in impossible ways . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream.
Spiderwoman's Gift -
Group B, 30" x 40" (framed)
Spiderwoman weaves the webs of life, gathers them together, and lets them fall again in a new form . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream & Buffalo Trails Gallery.
Interweaving -
Group B, 30" x 40" (framed)
The spiral--a galaxy, the body, the cells--changes shape, form, and color endlessly. Catch hold of the ribbon of life and feel it braided into the earth, the sky, the man, the woman . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church..
The Interweaving Paths of Life -
Group B, 30" x 40" (framed)
Spiral streams weave around each other, creating new pathways. Isit far beyond you in space, or is it inside you? Is it a macrocosm or a microcosm? How big, how small is the essential fabric of life . . .
Valley of My Dream -
Group D, 36" x 48" (framed)
Should I walk the passage, winding along the river, a middle way--or is my path the crossing far above? . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream.
Indigo Dreaming -
Group C, 48" x 36" (unframed)
The tunnel, a rectangular series of sections, leads from darkness toward the intense opening light, from lack of awareness to total awareness . . .
The Shaman's Portal -
40" x 40" (framed)
This is the magical entryway--or is it exit--to other worlds. Dive in . . .
Not for sale.
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
Lands of Light -
Group C, 48" x 36" (painted edge)
This is a mystery landscape, one that holds symbols of ways of living beyond conscious understanding, ways of living within Divinity. The colors are the key . . .
The East -
Group A, 20" x 24" (framed)
In some American Indian cultures, the East is a symbol of emergence, light, beginnings--the place of starting out into the world . . .
Sold to private buyer.