The energy linking the sky with the ocean, linking divine with human . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream & Northshore U.U. Church.
V.I sold to Brown Publishing Network. V.II sold to private buyer.
Shamans, poets, writers, and mystics talk about underworlds and overworlds. This is the crystal level of iced skies and multi-faceted mountains that fuse in impossible ways . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream.
Spiderwoman weaves the webs of life, gathers them together, and lets them fall again in a new form . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream & Buffalo Trails Gallery.
The spiral--a galaxy, the body, the cells--changes shape, form, and color endlessly. Catch hold of the ribbon of life and feel it braided into the earth, the sky, the man, the woman . . .
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church..
Spiral streams weave around each other, creating new pathways. Isit far beyond you in space, or is it inside you? Is it a macrocosm or a microcosm? How big, how small is the essential fabric of life . . .
Should I walk the passage, winding along the river, a middle way--or is my path the crossing far above? . . .
Exhibited at Maya's Dream.
The tunnel, a rectangular series of sections, leads from darkness toward the intense opening light, from lack of awareness to total awareness . . .
This is the magical entryway--or is it exit--to other worlds. Dive in . . .
Not for sale.
Exhibited at Northshore U.U. Church.
This is a mystery landscape, one that holds symbols of ways of living beyond conscious understanding, ways of living within Divinity. The colors are the key . . .
In some American Indian cultures, the East is a symbol of emergence, light, beginnings--the place of starting out into the world . . .
Sold to private buyer.